We can help you create your ideal, one-of-a-kind PC. We offer access to components you can’t find anywhere else and a team of master builders that believe technology is art. We believe exceptional performance and peerless design should be accessible to everyone at whatever your budget. Prebuilt gaming pcs, custom gaming pcs, business related or otherwise.


Gaming stores are hard to find let alone finding a reputable person to deal with. Luke and the team took it upon themselves to start Evolve Gaming in 2019.

From there they have created a trusted and respected brand upon PC gaming enthusiasts in Sydney and throughout Australia.

As IT professionals for the last 15 years and gaming enthusiasts for all of our lives every team member are dedicated and strive for perfection when it comes to building pcs and offering unparallel level of service of pc building customization.

Our Approach

It's our mission to deliver amazing unbeatable level of service and warranty for all of our customers.

No matter if you're spending $1,000 or $20,000 on your next PC venture.

Support and service will always remain the same in conjunction with offering free advice on pc builds as well as fantastic prices no matter the product.

Rigorous Standards & Testing

Building a PC, let alone a Gaming PC is not just 'DONE' when you hit the on button.

We test all builds for 24 hours, pushing the CPU, GPU and overall health of the PC to it's limits ensuring a stable, preforming, quiet and cool product.

This is to ensure that when builds do leave us our customers and us know that they aren't taking home a lemon PC.

Warranties & Support


We're the same as most offering 3 years warranty on our products.

HOWEVER. We go above and beyond.

We don't make our customers wait 4+ weeks for a resolution from a retailer or manufacturer we asses and replace the component with a BRAND NEW replacement NOT a refurbished component. If available we swap them out NEXT DAY!

Outside of the warranty term we replace things for cost should something go wrong, and do the replacing for FREE.

This is the Evolve Way!

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