Coolant Change

Coolant Change

Changing coolant can be a complete mission depending on how the PC is built. 

We step in to fill that gap with the daunting challenge of draining and re-filling your PC.

You're able to choose from a huge range of colours we keep on hand for our existing waterbuilds as well as general servicing should you also require that while your custom loop water machine is getting the attention it requires.

After all most coolants need to be changed every 12-15 months to avoid complications.

Sale price$550.00

Need to make a part change? Call us


Changing coolant can be a complete mission depending on how the PC is built. 

We step in to fill that gap with the daunting challenge of draining and re-filling your PC.

You're able to choose from a huge range of colours we keep on hand for our existing waterbuilds as well as general servicing should you also require that while your custom loop water machine is getting the attention it requires.

After all most coolants need to be changed every 12-15 months to avoid complications.

Book in day and time

Book in day and time



Book in day and time


Book in day and time


Rigorous Standards & Testing

Building a PC let alone a Gaming PC is not just 'DONE' when you hit the on button.

We test all builds for 24 hours, pushing the CPU, GPU and overall health of the PC to it's limits ensuring a stable, preforming, quiet and cool product.

This is to ensure that when PC builds do leave us our customers and us know that they aren't taking home a lemon PC.

Warranties & Support


We're the same as most offering 3 years warranty on our products.

HOWEVER. We go above and beyond.

We don't make our customers wait 4+ weeks for a resolution from a retailer or manufacturer we asses and replace the component with a BRAND NEW replacement NOT a refurbished component. If available we swap them out NEXT DAY!

Outside of the warranty term we replace things for cost should something go wrong, and do the replacing for FREE.

This is the Evolve Way!

Industry leader 3 years warranty and lifetime support

You're more than just a number to us. Unlike our competitors. The upmost care is taken handling your enquiries and support should you ever need it. Warranty like no other. There's no waiting (weeks) for replacements... yes they all say weeks.

Here we ensure your PC is up and running NEXT DAY if anything ever goes wrong. Now that's unbeatable.

We ship AUS WIDE!

Now offering free shipping!

That's right we ship our Gaming PCs all over AUS. With absolutely no limitations packed to perfection ensuring even the longest trips your PC arrives all in tack ready to go straight out of the box!